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Supporting Opioid Overdose Nurses’ Emergency Response

The opioid epidemic in the United States has recently claimed upwards of 80,000 deaths per year from accidental overdose, most of which have been from synthetic narcotics such as fentanyl. Currently, first responders such as police, emergency medical technicians and school nurses receive these opioid reversal kits for free. The SOONER project is now offering naloxone or nalmefene nasal reversal kits to nurses and physican assistants licensed in Virginia. Although a physician’s prescription is no longer necessary to purchase either of these products, the major impediment to widespread distribution is primarily financial. To overcome this obstacle, Sedona,Ltd, a local private charitable foundation, hopes to expand the traditional first responder network by providing free reversal kits to frontline healthcare workers such as nurses and PA’s.

Virginia Nurses and PA's who are interested in receiving a kit may click the button below and fill out the Application Form

Do you know the similarities & differences between Nalmefene & Naloxone?

Other Projects


Sedona's Grant helped individuals at Steps to Recovery Homes, a Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Center in Cottonwood, AZ.

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Sedona's Grant helped indigent patients at Mary Immaculate Hospital in Newport News, VA

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